The dynamics of the spread of the nucleotide synthetase ribozyme. The X-axes tick labels are values of the corresponding parameters. The Y-axes represent the molecular number of the nucleotide synthetase ribozyme (the first bar in a four-bar group) and the control RNA species (the following three bars in the four-bar group) after 1.5×105 Monte Carlo steps, which are the means of the results of the program running with three different random seeds. Ten sequences of each species were inoculated into the system at step 1×104. The common parameter list: N=20, TM=4×104, LRD=10, PNF=2×10−4, PNFR=0.2, PND=0.01, PRL=2×10−6, PBB=1×10−6, PAT=0.1, PFP=0.01, PLT=0.9, PSP=0.9, and PMV=0.01. For a subgraph specializing on a parameter, values of other parameters can be found in the common list.