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. 2007 Nov;97(11):2010–2013. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.113282


Political Will in the Bridges From Knowledge to Action Model

Bridges From Knowledge to Action Model Phase Primary Role of Political Will Examples
Phase 1: Gathering Information Apply political will to increase knowledge base Legislatures request hearings on issue
Policymakers request report on a health issue
Government establishes a surveillance system
Request increased research funding
Community agrees to participate in research and dialogue about issue
Phase 1.5: Preparing to Develop a Strategy Build political will to make an actionable strategy on the basis of scientific evidence Identify influential “champions” for prevention
Establish coalition or task force to address issue
Use media interviews and opinion editorials to increase public awareness
Hold public forums inviting citizen comment
Lobby or testify on issue
Phase 2: Drafting the Strategy Apply political will to craft the social strategy Government and citizen groups join a coalition
Identify leadership with conflict resolution skills, to facilitate participatory process
Secure financial and social resources for process
Policy entrepreneurs fit the strategy into political and economic context
Groups take ownership and responsibility for strategy implementation
Phase 2.5: Preparing for Action Assess and develop the political will necessary for implementation Environmental scans and community analysis to identify needs, assets, and local opinion leaders (formal and informal)
Assess community readiness and capacity
Educate decisionmakers about the need for a long-term perspective on changing public health
Preimplementation feedback from key stakeholders (target population, health professionals, public health practitioners)
Phase 3: Taking Action Apply political will to implement plans Cultivate interagency cooperation, community coalition, or advisory board
Use media campaigns for public education and supporting prevention initiatives
Citizens volunteer as peer providers or health educators
Legislation or adoption of new policies and regulations
Ongoing support by funding, training, and technical assistance
Phase 3.5: Evaluation Develop political will for sustaining programs by using new knowledge Community demand for accountability
Disseminate information about process and outcome results in professional and lay outlets
Funders request plans for sustainability
Policymakers consider effect of recent policies and possible amendments