Whole cell patch-clamp recording from acute spinal cord slices reveals a significant difference in Kir current amplitude between the two regions of the spinal cord. A: typical voltage step response (protocol shown in inset) from ventral and dorsal horn astrocytes show Kir currents in the 2 regions share similar properties (inactivation at hyperpolarized potentials and complete inactivation in 100 μm Ba2+); however, Ba2+-sensitive Kir currents in the ventral horn are ~2-fold larger. B: mean data demonstrate a significant difference in Ba2+-sensitive Kir currents (at −140 mV) in astrocytes from the ventral horn and dorsal horn (−453.8 ± 81.4, pA n = 25, and −205.3 ± 44.2 pA, n = 21, P = 0.0110, respectively). C: representative examples of filled cells from the ventral and dorsal regions of the spinal cord are shown.