Figure 1.
Organization of the region encoding int in φC31 and its comparison with the attB sequence from S. ambofaciens (adapted from ref. 20). (a) Organization of attP and int from φC31 and restriction sites relevant to this study. The black box represents the int ORF reading left to right, and the green, vertical arrowhead represents the position of attP. The stem-loop icon shows the position of a putative rho-independent transcription terminator. (b) The sequences of the attP and the N-terminal region of int (green) and attB (blue). The crossover occurs within the boxed nucleotides (20). The extent of the 84-bp attP site used in recombination in E. coli (Fig. 2) is shown in bold. Underlined sequences in attP/int show the positions of the BsrI and EcoRI restriction sites. Horizontal arrows indicate the positions of inverted repeats in attP and attB. In the attP/int sequence, the start of translation, the N-terminal 18 residues and the position of the S12F mutation are indicated. The attL and attR sequences are shown in yellow and pink, respectively.