Relationship of transillumination, virtual MIP records, and aligned virtual casts' occlusal contacts to anatomically defined regions. Anatomical regions were used to qualitatively define the locations of the occlusal contacts following the method suggested by Plasmans et al. (A).24 A single contact crossing boundaries was counted in all regions in which it resided. Transillumination contacts (B), black areas, were regions where the MIP record thickness was 0.35 mm or less. Aligned virtual cast contacts (C), dark gray areas, were regions where the two virtual casts were separated by 0.35 mm or less. Virtual MIP record contacts (D), dark gray regions, were regions where the upper and lower sides of the virtual MIP record were within 0.35 mm of each other. White areas in the MIP virtual record represent portions of the record that could not be scanned. Regions where the teeth are in contact and the record was too thin to scan are indicated with vertical lines.