In the liver, the Tat GRUs but not the (GRE)2 confer gene induction at birth. CAT assays for a representative pair of mice from two (GRE)2 lines (lines 5 and 35) and two GRUs lines (lines 29 and 33) are shown. Before birth, embryonic day 19; after birth, 6 h after parturition. The amount of liver extract protein used was 10 μg (line 33), 40 μg (lines 5 and 29), or 100 μg (line 35). The reactions were incubated at 37°C for either 10 min (lines 5, 29, and 33) or 20 min (line 35). Above each assay, the CAT activity (mean ± SEM) measured is indicated, as well as the number of mice analyzed in parenthesis.