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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2007 Jun;34(2):173–vii. doi: 10.1016/j.ogc.2007.03.00

Table 4.

Prevalence of GDM in Population-based studies.

Author Screening criteria GDM criteria Time Frame Source Population Country Ethnic group; n Prevalence
Rosenberg (59) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. Retrospective; 1991–2001 Live singleton New York City births with birth certificate data on prepregnancy weight and weight gain USA NHB; 86,908
NHW; 96,581
NHA; 38,570
Hispanic; 107,612
3.7%, Total
3.7%, NHB
2.6%, NHW
6.6%, NHA
3.5%, Hispanic
Ferrara (65) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140; 93.5% screened C & C
Retrospective; 1996 Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Group of Northern California; computerized hospitalization records USA White; 13,714
AA; 2,345
Hispanic; 5,026
Asian; 4,121
NDDG and C & C: 3.2 and 4.8%, Total
2.5 and 3.9%, White
2.6 and 3.4%, AA
3.4 and 4.9%, Hispanic
5.7 and 8.3%, Asian
Kieffer (66) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 98.9% of Latinas and 96.6% of AA screened NDDG Retrospective; 1995 – 1998 Latina and AA women who received at least 4 prenatal care visits in large Detroit health system; medical record surveys USA Latina; 653
AA; 552
5.4%, Latina
3.9%, AA
Williams (60) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. Retrospective; 1987–1995 Mothers born in Washington State since 1949 delivering a singleton birth between 1987–1995; vital records and hospital discharge summaries. USA NHW; 21,528
AA; 6,359
Native American; 7,456
Hispanic; 6,496
2.8%, NHW
2.6%, AA
2.7%, Native American
3.0%, Hispanic
Solomon (39) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. Self-reported Diagnosis Prospective; 1989–1994 Nurses’ Health Study II women with singleton pregnancies and no history of diabetes or GDM. USA White; 13,771
AA; 113
Hispanic; 224
Asian; 248
4.9%, Total
4.8%, White
10.6%, AA
7.6%, Hispanic
10.5%, Asian
Rodrigues (67,68) Universal screening at 24–30 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 NDDG Retrospective; 1995–1996 Cree: 9 communities in James Bay, Quebec; maternal medical charts
Non-Native: Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal; McGill Obstetric and Neonatal Database
Canada Cree; 579
Non-Native; 7,718
12.8%, Cree
5.3%, Non-Native
Godwin (61) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. GDM was defined according to NDDG criteria or a fasting or 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 with physician diagnosis. Retrospective; 1987 – 1995 Weeneebayko Hosptial, Moose Factory, James Bay, Ontario; chart review Canada Native Swampy Cree; 1,298 8.5%
Harris (69) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 14090% screened NDDG Retrospective; 1990–1993 Sioux Lookout Zone, Northwestern Ontario; medical records Canada Native Ojibwa-Cree; 741 8.4%
Schmidt (70) Universal Testing at 24–28 weeks; 2hr 75g OGTT; ADA, post 1997 and WHO, 1999 including 0hr ≥ 126 Prospective; 1991–1995 General prenatal care clinics in the National Health Service Brazil White; 2,234
AA; 679
Mixed; 2,042
Other; 21
2.4%, ADA
7.2%, WHO
Janghorbani (62) Universal screening at 26–28 weeks or high risk testing; random plasma glucose ≥ 117 2hr 75g OGTT
0hr ≥ 108
2hr ≥ 140
Retrospective; 1996–1997 Plymouth, southwest U.K.; databases and midwifery care notes UK NHW; 4,942 1.8%
Weijers (63) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. Medical history of physician-diagnosed GDM. Retrospective; 1992 – 1997 Town borough of Amsterdam; physician diagnosed GDM reported in hospital registration Holland Dutch; 483
Non-Dutch; 1,157
0.6%, Dutch
2.6%, Non-Dutch
Ostlund (71,72) Universal testing offered at 28–32 weeks; 73.5% accepted; EASD (0hr ≥ 121 cut-point) Prospective; 1994 – 1996 Defined geographical area of Sweden Sweden Nordic; 3,211
Non-Nordic; 405
Aberg (73) Universal testing offered at 27–28 weeks with additional testing in high risk patients; not clear what %age of the population accepted; 2hr 75g OGTT ≥ 162 whole-blood Prospective; 1995–1997 Lund University Hospital Sweden Not specified; 12,382 1.2%
Jensen (74) Universal testing offered, high risk - early in pregnancy and at 28–32 weeks; EASD (0hr ≥ 111 and 2hr ≥ 164 whole-blood) Prospective; 1999–2000 Four Danish healthcare centers Denmark Not specified; (5,235 using 56.2% imputed values) 2.4%
Kvetney (75) High risk testing at 24–28 weeks; 2hr 75g OGTT ≥ 121 or WHO, 1999; 19.5% tested Prospective; 1995 – 1997 Ribe county prenatal care patients Denmark Not specified; 6,158 3.6%, Local Criteria
2.8%, WHO
Murgia (77) Universal screening at 16–18, 24–26 and 30–32 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 130 C & C Prospective; 2006* Sardinian volunteers Italy Sardinian; 1,103 22.3%
Di Cianni (76) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks or earlier when high risk; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 C & C Prospective; 1997* 8 healthcare districts in north-west Tuscany Italy Not specified; 2,000 6.3%
Erem (78) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 NDDG Prospective; 2003* Central Province of Trabzon City: seven health stations Turkey Not specified; 807 1.2%
Keshavarz (79) Universal screening high risk - initial visit and at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 130 ADA, post 1997 Prospective; 1999 – 2001 Fatemiyeh Hospital in Shahrood City Iran Not specified; 1,310 4.8%
Hadaegh (80) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 130 C & C and NDDG Prospective; 2002 – 2004 All pregnant women referred to the obstetrics clinics in various parts of Bandar Abbas city Iran Not specified; (800 using 12.5% imputed values) 8.1%, NDDG
11.4%, C & C
Al Mahroos (81) Universal screening at 24–28 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 C & C with a 3hr 75g OGTT Prospective; 2001 – 2002 Antenatal clinics at health centers and at Salmaniya Medical Complex Bahrain Bahraini; 7,575
Expatriate; 2,920
13.3%, total
15.5%, Bahraini
7.5%, Expatriate
Seyoum (82) Universal testing after 24 weeks; WHO, 1999 Prospective; 1999* Women over 24 weeks gestational age; community-based, eastern zone of Tigray Ethiopia Not specified; 890 3.7%
Zargar (83) Universal screening 2nd or 3rd trimester; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 Group A: C & C Group B: WHO, 1999 Prospective; 1999 – 2002 Six districts of Kashmir valley India Not specified; Group A; 1,000
Group B; 1,000
3.1%, Group A
4.4%, Group B
Stone (64) Varied depending upon prenatal care received. Retrospective; 1996 Singleton pregnancies for Victoria in 1996; Routinely collected data in Victoria from Perinatal Morbidity Statistics System and Victorian Inpatient Minimum Dataset Data Australia Aboriginal; 438
Non-Aboriginal; 59,962
3.6%, Total
4.3%, Aboriginal
3.6%, Non-Aboriginal
Yang (84) Universal screening at 26–30 weeks; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 140 WHO, 1999 including 0hr ≥ 126 Prospective; 1998–1999 6 urban districts in Tianjin China Not specified; 9,471 2.3%
Maegawa (85) Universal screening during first trimester; 1hr 50g GCT ≥ 130 JSOG Prospective; 1999 – 2001 11 hospitals in Mie prefecture or Hiroshima Municipal Asa Hospital Japan Japanese; 749 2.9%

OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; GCT, glucose challenge test; C & C, Carpenter and Coustan; NDDG, National Diabetes Data Group, WHO, World Health Organization; ADA, American Diabetes Association; EASD, European Association for the Study of Diabetes; JSOG, Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology;


Indicates that calendar time for participant enrollment was not provided; therefore, the publication date is substituted for the study time frame.

Women with previous GDM, history of fetal macrosomia, glucosuria, BMI > 29, family history, prior stillbirth, age > 35yrs)AA, African American; NHW, non-Hispanic white; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHA, non-Hispanic Asian