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. 2007 Jul 27;6(10):1782–1794. doi: 10.1128/EC.00155-07


Pseudohyphal differentiation of C. lusitaniae strains on various supplemented YCB media

Genotypea Length of pseudohyphae with growth in mediumb
YCB + Sorbitol (1 M) + NaCl (0.5 M) + KCl (0.5 M) + MG (15 mM) + H202 (1 mM)
WT 560 ± 5 206 ± 22 120 ± 14 280 ± 14 240 ± 14 387 ± 16
sln1::GUN 440 ± 24 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 107 ± 8 0 ± 0 0 ± 0
nik1::GUN 580 ± 5 220 ± 14 107 ± 22 273 ± 21 240 ± 5 167 ± 50
chk1::GUN 567 ± 8 207 ± 22 113 ± 16 266 ± 8 247 ± 8 280 ± 28
chk1::GUN sln1::REP 547 ± 22 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 93 ± 16 133 ± 41 0 ± 0
chk1::REP nik1::GUN 580 ± 14 207 ± 16 133 ± 8 253 ± 16 233 ± 8 260 ± 14
sln1+SLN1 567 ± 8 193 ± 22 107 ± 16 240 ± 14 233 ± 8 353 ± 22
chk1 sln1+SLN1 566 ± 8 180 ± 28 107 ± 16 260 ± 14 213 ± 8 353 ± 29
chk1+CHK1 568 ± 14 NDc ND ND ND 373 ± 8
nik1+NIK1 560 ± 5 ND ND ND ND 367 ± 22

Abbreviated genotypes are given. WT, wild-type strain 6936.


The length of pseudohyphae was measured from the edge of the spotted colony. The values (μm) are means ± standard deviations based on three individual replicates. “+” indicates YCB medium supplemented as indicated.


ND, not determined.