Analysis of sarcomere shortening in myocytes expressing ssTnIH132A, ssTnIV134E, and ssTnIN141H compared to control and ssTnI-expressing myocytes 4 days after gene transfer. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM for baseline sarcomere length (Baseline SL, μm), sarcomere shortening (μm), normalized +dl/dtmax (s−1), normalized −dl/dtmax (s−1), and time from peak to 50% and 75% relaxation (TTR50 and TTR75, respectively in ms). Recordings were made from 14 myocytes in 7 different hearts, with *p<0.05 considered significantly different for wild-type and substituted ssTnI versus cTnI-expressing control (C) and **p<0.05 for substitution mutants versus ssTnI.