Fig. 7. Alteration of lysosomal protein targeting in procyclic culture form (PCF) BigEye cells. Clathrin RNAi cells were stained following 24, 48 and 72 h of induction as indicated. For TbBiP a disorganization was observed, suggesting that the endoplasmic reticulum has become deformed. In addition, the localization of p67 was altered, so that at 48 h the stain was less intense and defocused, and at 72 h this was more extreme with a major loss of integrity. Left image of each set, phase; right image, DAPI (DNA) in blue, TbBiP in red, p67 in green. Scale bar: 2 µm. Par, PCF 29-13 parental cells; –Tet, uninduced PCF 29-13p2T7TiCLH cells; +Tet, PCF29-13p2T7TiCLH cells induced for indicated time periods.