Figure 6.
Possible patterns of inheritance and loss of ETP-like clusters in ascomycetes. Possible patterns of cluster inheritance and loss are mapped onto a conservative ascomycete phylogeny based on the 18S rDNA phylogeny (Fig. 5) with poorly supported nodes (<70 bootstraps) collapsed. Only taxa known to contain ETP clusters, or for which there is greater than X4 genomic sequence coverage are included to avoid falsely designating cluster loss events. Rectangles show presence and subclade type of cluster in a lineage (colours are as Fig. 3, black and grey indicate ancestral clusters). Circles indicate lineage-specific cluster loss events, where colours indicates subclade type loss, black indicates loss of all clusters, and open circle indicates loss of a cluster of unknown subclade type. Two possible scenarios are compared: (a) vertical inheritance only with the minimal number (17) of cluster losses; and (b) cluster divergence and spread by lateral transfer (arrows).