Mast cell degranulation evokes activation of brainstem trigeminovascular nociceptive neurons. Representative low (A, C, E, G) and high (B, D, F, H) magnification photomicrographs demonstrating c-fos IR in the TNC (medullary dorsal horn) taken from animals treated with 48/80 (A, B), SCG prior to 48/80 (C, D), saline control (E, F) and sumatriptan prior to 48/80 (G, H). Note the distinct distribution of fos in the ventrolateral part of TNC in the 48/80 treated animal. (I) Histogram comparing the number (mean ± SEM) of fos-IR cells in the upper cervical and medullary dorsal horn from animals receiving 48/80, saline, SCG 30 minutes prior to 48/80 or sumatriptan. (* p<0.05, Fisher PLSD test compared with saline control). Scale bar = 1000 μm for (A, C, E, G) and 200 μm for (B, D, F, H).