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. 2007 Jun 27;45(9):2787–2792. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00716-07


Description of patients with pulmonary aspergillosisa

Age (yr) (sex) Underlying disease(s) Reason(s) for BAL Antibiotic(s) used prior to or at the time of BAL CXR/chest CT scan result BAL GM level(s) Serum GM level(s) Microscopy result, TBBX result Culture Diagnosis Treatment Outcome at follow-up
66 (M) CAD, DM, and obesity; admitted with acute pneumococcal sepsis Fever, septic shock CFP, Levo, Vanc Bil parenchymal opacity, diffuse GGO, nodule 1.18 1.41 (+1 day)b Inflammatory cells (yeasts), not done BAL, A. flavus; sputum (−1 days),bA. flavus Proven IPAc No antifungal Died, 4 daysb
61 (M) Previously healthy; admitted with severe upper GI bleed Shock CFP, Metro, Vanc, Tim Nodular infiltrates 8.44 2.58 (−4 days),b 2.69 (−2 days)b Not done, not done BAL, A. fumigatus; sputum (−1 days, −2 days),bA. fumigatus Presumed IPA VORI until death Died, 10 daysb
67 (F) COPD; cavitary lung lesion was found on admission CXR Respiratory symptoms for 4 mo and cavitary lung lesion Cipro, Metro Consolidation with cavitation 2.0; after antifungal treatment, −0.62 (+19 days)b 0.05 (+5 days)b Hyphae, inflammation and necrosis; hyphae seen in tissue BAL, Candida and A. fumigatus Proven CNPA VORI and antibiotics until death Died, 2 mob (from ruptured AAA)
56 (M) Healthy, admitted after a stroke; cavitary lung lesion was found on admission CXR Wt loss, cough, hemoptysis, abnormal CXR None Cavitary lesion with surrounding consolidation 7.41, 7.34d 0.98 (−2 days)b Hyphae, chronic and granulomatous inflammation, presence of eosinophils (no hyphae) BAL, A. fumigatus; sputum (−3 days),bA. fumigatus Probable CNPA VORI for 1.3 yr Lived (F/u, 1.3 yr)
51 (M) Lung cancer, in remission for 5 yr; admitted for hemoptysis Fever, respiratory complaints, and hemoptysis Gati Cavitary lesion with fungus ball; surrounding consolidation 1.43, 1.15d 0.08 (+3 days),b 0.11 (+4 days),b 0.08 (+5 days)b No hyphae, not done BAL, Candida and A. fumigatus Proven aspergilloma; MAI pneumonia and cavitary lesion VORI for 1 year and Rx for MAI Lived (F/u, 1 yr)
46 (M) Crohn's colitis, in remission, MAI pneumonia on treatment; admitted with hemoptysis Fever, respiratory complaints, and hemoptysis Mero and meds against MAI Cavitary lung lesion with fungus ball 8.89 (LLL), 8.64d (RL) Not done Inflammatory cells (no hyphae), chronic and acute inflammation (no hyphae) A. fumigatus Proven aspergilloma; MAI cavitary lung lesion VORI for 6 mo and Rx for MAI Lived (F/u, 6 mo)

Abbreviations: TBBX, transbronchial biopsy; M, male; F, female; CAD, coronary artery disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; COPD, chronic obstructive lung disease; AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; CXR, chest X ray; Bil, bilateral; GGO, ground glass opacification; MAI, Mycobacterium avium-Mycobacterium intracellularae; RLL, right lower lobe; LLL, left lower lobe; RL, right lung; F/u, follow-up time; Rx, treatment; meds, medications; CFP, cefipime; Levo, levofloxacin; Vanc, vancomycin; Cipro, ciprofloxacin; Gati, gatifloxacin; Metro, metronidazole; Tim, timentin; Mero, meropenem; VORI, voriconazole.


Date given relative to the initial BAL (e.g., +1 day indicates 1 day after BAL, and −1 day indicates 1 day before BAL).


Fungal hyphae were found within the lung parenchyma and blood vessels upon autopsy.


BAL was performed on several lung specimens.