FIG. 1.
Three Ouchterlony tests (A, B, and C) are shown. Ten microliters antiserum was added in the center hole, and 10 μl of either 0.1 N or 0.2 N extract antigen was added in the surrounding holes. (A) Antiserum raised against isolate 22634 was added in the center hole. Reactions appeared toward extract antigens from all three isolates. A second line appeared towards extract antigen of isolate 22634, and this reaction also appears with GBS type Ib where there is line of identity. (B) Antiserum (raised against 22634) absorbed with antigen from GBS type Ib was added in the center hole. Only reactions against antigen of the three isolates appeared. (C) Antiserum raised against GBS type Ib was added in the center hole. A double line appeared against extract antigen (0.1 N) of GBS type Ib.