FIG. 1.
Representation of the internal nucleotide sequences from the gyrA genes of five Arcobacter species and locations of the FRET probes used for real-time PCR amplification. The sequences from nucleotide 1984 to nucleotide 2083 are shown and compared to the numbering for the Arcobacter butzleri D2682 type strain (GenBank accession number DQ464331). The sensor probe (boxed) was labeled at the 5′ end with LC-Red 640-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, and a 3′ terminal phosphate block was added. The anchor probe (underscored) was labeled at the 3′ end with fluorescein. Asterisks indicate type strains. M indicates nucleotide mismatches with the sensor probe inducing different melting points (with FRET). X indicates silent anchor probe nucleotide mismatches. •, spontaneous point mutation outside the interest region. Nucleotides that have replaced the expected nucleotides are indicated in bold. Ab, Arcobacter butzleri; Ac, Arcobacter cryaerophilus; Aci, Arcobacter cibarius; As, Arcobacter skirrowii; and An, Arcobacter nitrofigilis. The GenBank accession numbers corresponding to the gyrA sequences of A. butzleri strains D2686, Cipolla 4, 1340-2003, 1137-2003, 520H-2004, 235-2004, 1285-2003, 1426-2003, 1172-2003, 1188-2003, and 1477-2003 are DQ464331, DQ464335, DQ464334, DQ464333, DQ464332, EF176585, EF176586, EF176587, EF176588, EF176589, and EF176590, respectively. The GenBank accession numbers corresponding to the gyrA sequences of A. cryaerophilus strains A169/B, PC249, PC367, 322H-2004, 492-2004, and 622H-2004 are DQ464336, EF176591, EF176592, EF176593, EF176594, and EF176595, respectively, and those for A. cibarius strain CCUG 48482, Arcobacter skirrowii strain 449/80, and Arcobacter nitrofigilis strain C1 are DQ464337, DQ464338, and DQ464339, respectively.