Low pH-induced syncytium formation. BSR-T7/5 cells were infected with BUNV or transfected with wt or mutant BUNV M segment cDNA constructs. At 24 h postinfection or -transfection, cells were treated with low-pH medium (pH 5.3) for 5 min, and syncytium formation was examined following incubation at 37°C for a further 5 h. Cells were then stained with Giemsa solution. (A) Syncytium formation in cells either infected with BUNV (wtBUN) or transfected with wt BUNV M segment cDNA (wtM), BUNMΔGnCT (ΔGnCT), and BUNMΔGcCT (ΔGcCT) constructs, as indicated. Cells were treated with acidic pH (pH 5.3) or neutral pH (pH 7.2) as shown below. (B) Syncytium formation following low-pH treatment in cells transfected with BUNV M segment mutants containing alanine substitutions in the Gn and Gc CTs. (C) f values. All f values were calculated from cells treated with low-pH (5.3) medium as described in Materials and Methods, except for the wtBUNnf value (second bar), which was obtained from wt BUNV-infected cells under neutral-pH conditions.