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. 2007 Jul 25;81(19):10389–10401. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00979-07


Prevalence of H9N2 viruses from chickens, other minor poultry species, and ducks in southern China during 2000 to 2005

Month No. of H9N2 isolates/total sample no.
Other minor poultry species
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
January 1/161 5/70 10/844 13/817 110/2,056 4/43 33/79 1/42 29/224 9/254 0/502 1/200 0/769 3/587 2/1,380
February 15/215 4/8 2/440 10/666 46/1,432 0/11 9/36 2/52 6/176 1/150 0/191 0/162 0/428 0/361 1/1,035
March 3/182 0/35 2/689 11/834 26/1,651 0/15 3/39 1/45 10/308 0/162 2/149 0/102 0/681 0/696 0/1,396
April 13/178 0/49 1/603 11/732 84/2,204 0/5 0/47 0/47 0/206 0/138 2/118 0/108 0/561 0/695 1/1,972
May 0/176 0/48 2/652 1/757 67/2,023 1/6 0/36 0/19 0/181 0/150 14/121 0/114 0/576 0/635 0/2,153
June 1/162 11/256 0/604 0/733 31/1,931 3/8 0/19 0/49 0/220 0/204 5/115 0/125 0/533 0/663 1/2,089
July 14/203 2/181 0/123 0/646 0/843 22/1,881 8/60 1/11 0/18 0/40 1/207 2/174 0/119 1/135 0/341 0/567 0/818 0/2,426
August 0/115 1/154 0/115 3/584 6/1,071 27/1,803 0/35 0/19 0/49 3/85 0/266 1/188 0/100 1/168 0/152 0/494 0/994 2/3,034
September 5/172 2/139 0/132 1/707 13/922 75/1,725 0/89 5/28 0/43 0/99 16/241 0/160 4/131 8/211 0/190 0/605 0/952 6/2,214
October 2/242 6/177 2/537 3/725 8/994 119/1,755 0/46 5/27 0/79 4/68 39/244 3/256 0/58 3/205 1/339 6/595 0/1,051 6/2,574
November 26/199 10/154 28/860 10/699 45/1,360 41/1,679 8/36 6/27 6/36 14/134 21/274 0/164 2/131 3/210 4/889 2/627 1/1,241 0/2,670
December 10/106 21/181 12/685 32/899 37/1,738 126/1,702 5/38 5/71 3/33 33/227 15/212 12/170 4/120 4/175 1/625 0/765 1/1,097 0/2,910
Total 57/1,037 75/2,060 62/2,918 66/8,092 155/11,467 774/21,842 21/304 30/271 54/514 58/907 137/2,759 28/2,170 10/659 41/2,300 6/3,347 8/7,201 5/9,790 19/25,853

aThe isolation rates for chickens in 2000 to 2005 were 5.5%, 3.6%, 2.1%, 0.8%, 1.4%, and 3.5%, respectively. The isolation rates for other minor poultry species in 2000 to 2005 were 6.9%, 11.1%, 10.5%, 6.4%, 5.0%, and 1.3%, respectively. The isolation rates for ducks in 2000 to 2005 were 1.8%, 1.8%, 0.17%, 0.12%, 0.06%, and 0.07%, respectively.