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. 2007 Jul 18;81(19):10558–10566. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00970-07


Titers of cross-neutralizing antibodies induced by H7 subtype viruses in postinfection mouse sera

Virus (subtype) Titers of mouse antisera raised against indicated virusa:
NL/03 EG/63 RK/34 QL/95 OR/71 UT/95 NC/93 BC/04 CH/02 VA/02
A/Netherlands/219/03 (H7N7) 453 10 50 40b 16b 20b 254b 20b 63b 7b
A/tk/England/63 (H7N3) 254 202 16b 63 40b 28b 127b 25b 101b 10b
A/Rostock/34 (H7N1) 254 127 160 57 25b 28b 453 16b 99b 7b
A/ck/Queensland/95 (H7N3) 127 202 50 226 127b 226 202b 254 113b 8b
A/tk/OR/71 (H7N3) 640 905 160 403 1280 1016 2032 1016 453 160
A/tk/UT/95 (H7N3) 254 320 40b 202 403 320 640 320 226b 50b
A/rhea/NC/93 (H7N1) 1016 320 202 160 254b 254 1613 320 50b 50b
A/ck/BC/CN-7/04 (H7N3) 640 226 57 113 254b 320 640 254 160b 28b
A/ck/Chile/02 (H7N3) 806 320 101 226 202b 202 806 113 1016 25b
A/tk/VA/02 (H7N2) 160 127 50 101 254b 160 806 226 226b 320

Mouse antisera were collected at 28 dpi for VA/02 and RK/34 viruses and at 56 dpi for the remaining eight viruses. Postinfection sera from three or four mice were pooled and used in the MN assay. Homologous neutralization titers are indicated in boldface.


Neutralization titers that are fourfold or lower than the homologous titers.