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. 2007 Aug 8;81(20):11139–11147. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01235-07


Mouse infectivity titers of H7 viruses

Virus Name in this study Subtype Intravenous pathogenicity index Patient symptomsa MID50b LD50b % Maximum wt lossc HA cleavage site sequencea
A/Netherlands/219/03 NL/219 H7N7 HPAI Fatal ARDS 0.76 2.5 23.7 PEIPKRRRR/G
A/Netherlands/230/03 NL/230 H7N7 HPAI Conjunctivitis 2.5 >7 14.5 PEIPKRRRR/G
A/Ck/Netherlands/1/03 Ck/NL/1 H7N7 HPAI NA 3.25 >7 12.5 PEIPKRRRR/G
A/Canada/504/04 Can/504 H7N3 HPAI Conjunctivitis 2.25 >7 2.5 PENPKQAYQKRMTR/G
A/Canada/444/04 Can/444 H7N3 LPAI Conjunctivitis 2.5 >7 2.5 PENPKQAYQKQMTR/G
A/NY/107/03 NY/107 H7N2 LPAI Respiratory symptoms 2.25 >7 12.2 PEKPKPR/G
A/Tky/VA/4529/02 Tky/VA H7N2 LPAI NA 1.76 >7 3.5 PEKPKPR/G
A/Ck/CT/260413-2/03 Ck/CT H7N2 LPAI NA 2.25 >7 10.1 PEKPKPR/G
A/GH/Mass/148081-11/02 GH/Mass H7N2 LPAI NA 1.5 >7 16.1 PEKPKKR/G

As described previously (6, 12, 16, 41). NA, not applicable.


MID50 and LD50 values are expressed as the EID50 required to give 1 MID50 or 1 LD50, respectively.


Average percent maximum weight loss at height of infection (five mice per group) following i.n. infection at 106 EID50/50 μl.