Figure 1.
Aβ42 activates NFκB in a dose-dependent manner. Nuclear extracts from astrocytes stimulated by increasing doses of Aβ42 were incubated with 32P-labeled NFκB oligonucleotide probe for gel mobility-shift assay. Lanes: 1, untreated astrocyte nuclear extract; 2, vehicle-treated nuclear extract (0 μM Aβ42); 3–5, 1 μM, 5 μM, and 10 μM Aβ42, respectively. As a peptide control, nuclear extracts from astrocytes stimulated by a scrambled Aβ42 peptide [10 μM Aβ42scr (lane 6) and 20 μM Aβ42scr (lane 7)] were run to demonstrate the activation specificity of Aβ42. Cells were treated for 12 hr, a time-point where maximal NFκB activation could be detected by EMSA (data not shown). NFκB activation complexes are indicated by A–D. (Lower) A shorter exposure of the autoradiogram to allow better visualization of the individual complexes in lanes 4 and 5.