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. 2007 Sep 30;9(3):e28. doi: 10.2196/jmir.9.4.e28

Table 2.

Odds ratios for forced logistic regression model for 7-day abstinence at 6 months (N = 417)*

P value Odds Ratio (95.0% CI)
Number of log-ins
1-3 log-ins in past 6 months vs none .38 1.35 (0.69-2.67)
4+ log-ins in past 6 months vs none .002 2.90 (1.45-5.77)
Age at registration .29 0.99 (0.96-1.01)
Gender (female vs male) .91 1.04 (0.57-1.89)
Some college vs high school or less .82 1.10 (0.49-2.47)
College graduate/postgraduate vs high school or less .90 0.94 (0.39-2.27)
Employed for pay .84 1.08 (0.54-2.14)
Health insurance status
Insured .15 2.29 (0.75-7.02)
Time to first cigarette of the day
6-30 min vs within 5 min .63 1.19 (0.60-2.37)
31-60 min vs within 5 min .27 0.58 (0.22-1.54)
After 60 min vs within 5 min .48 1.43 (0.53-3.90)
Stage of change
Preparation vs contemplation/precontemplation .96 1.01 (0.57-1.80)
Smoking intensity
Moderate smoker (15-24 cigs/day) vs light smoker (1-14 cigs/day) .51 0.79 (0.39-1.58)
Heavy smoker (25+ cigs/day) vs light smoker (1-14 cigs/day) .35 0.64 (0.25-1.64)
Quit history
Ever quit for 30 days or more .47 1.25 (0.69-2.26)
Use of medications
Used meds (NRT and/or Zyban) in past 6 months .10 1.63 (0.91-2.95)

*11.5% excluded due to missing; Nagelkerke R 2 = 0.102.