Figure 1.
The percentage of PACAP-IR cardiac neurons increases over time in culture. A: Many PACAP-IR neurons were present within cardiac ganglia in 72 hour cultures. The arrows point to neurons that exhibit PACAP immunoreactivity whereas asterisks mark neurons that are not peptide positive. The arrowheads point to PACAP-IR fibers in an adjacent nerve bundle. B: PACAP-IR fibers in a nerve connective. Note the intense PACAP staining at the ends of the fibers. C: An example of a single VIP-IR neuron in a 72 hour culture. Note that both the cell body and axon exhibited VIP immunoreactivity. The scale bars in A-C equal 50 μm. D: The percentage of PACAP-IR neurons increases progressively over time in culture. Asterisks indicate significant (p < 0.001, one way ANOVA) increases in PACAP-IR cells above controls, t = 0. In contrast, over the same time in culture, there is no significant increase in the percentage of VIP-IR cardiac neurons.