Fig. 4. Whole cell current elicited by kainate in CGCs and interneurons.
Effect of direct application of kainate to cerebellar granule neurons and interneurons at DIV 7-8.
A: Comparison of representative whole cell current records from a granule cell (left) and an interneuron (right) at DIV7, voltage clamped at -60 mV. Horizontal bars correspond to the acute application of kainate (20 μM, K20) alone or in combination with GYKI (50 μM, K20+GYKI). The average whole cell current density obtained with applications of 20 μM kainate in cerebellar granule neurons (B) or interneurons (C) is reported for cells in control conditions or cells treated for 5 days with kainate (20 μM) or NMDA (100 μM). Also included is a comparison of whole cell current density obtained with 2 μM kainate (K2), 2 μM kainate + 20 μM Con A (K2+conA) and 20 μM kainate + 50 μM GYKI 52466 (K20+GYKI) in cerebellar granule neurons (B) or interneurons (C) in control conditions or treated for 5 days with kainate (20 μM) or NMDA (100 μM). Data derive from at least 15 granule neurons and 16 interneurons in 5 distinct sets of cultures at DIV7-8 for vehicle and kainate treatment and from 6 granule neurons and 5 interneurons for NMDA treatments. * significant to vehicle, p<0.01. + significant to K20, p<0.01 × significant to K2 application, p<0.01.