Expression of stress-responsive genes in wild-type and strs mutant plants subjected to salt, drought, and cold treatments. Two-week-old soil-grown plants were exposed to various stress treatments. Relative transcript levels were determined by real-time PCR according to the 2−ΔΔCT method using UBQ10 as an internal control (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). Gene expression was normalized to the wild-type unstressed expression level, which was assigned a value of 1. Data represent the average of three independent experiments ± sd. A, D, G, J, L, N, and P, Salt treatment; 200 mm NaCl. B, E, H, K, M, O, and Q, Drought treatment; plants were removed from the soil and allowed to dry under 60% humidity. C, F, I, and R, Cold treatment; 4°C.