Detached leaves from WT and ΔTLP18.3 plants were pulse labelled under HL (900 μmol of photons·m−2·s−1) with [35S]methionine for 15, 30 and 60 min, followed by 1, 2 and 3 h chase in the presence of unlabelled methionine (see Supplementary Figure 2 at (A) kPI and half-times (T½, min) for the D1 protein degradation were calculated from data fitted to first-order reaction kinetics (r=k[A]). Data shown are means±S.D., n=3 for WT and GABI-Kat 459D12 mutant and n=1 for SALK_109618 mutant. (B). Relative D1 protein synthesis rates were determined by comparing the amount of radioactivity incorporated into the D1 protein normalized to that incorporated into ATP synthase α-/β- subunits in WT and ΔTLP18.3 thylakoids during radioactive pulse of 15 min at HL. Data shown are means±S.D., n=3.