Fraction collection of mutation-bearing ITD amplicons of the Flt3 gene using reconfigured gel block. A: An artificial mixture of wild-type amplicons of 330 bases and ITD amplicons with mutations of 352, 372, 396, 426, 438, and 498 bases was constructed and subjected to capillary electrophoresis. At 22 minutes, electrophoresis was stopped, and the reconfigured gel block was installed. To achieve fragments at 25-base intervals, the collection tubes were changed at 1-minute intervals based on the prediction that 25-base intervals would capture the individual molecules and the estimation from the slope in Figure 2 (squares, 0.039 minute/base times 25 bases = 0.98 minutes). We collected 14 tubes. The isolated DNA was reamplified, and the predominant isolated DNA fragment was 330 bases from tube 6 (B), 352 bases from tube 7 (C), 372 bases from tube 8 (D), 396 bases from tube 9 (E), 426 and 438 bases from tube 10 (F), and 498 bases from tube 13 (G). ITD peaks are shaded, and size standard peaks are unshaded. x axis, size in bases. y axis, RFUs.