Figure 5.
Effect of GLUT3 (A) and GLUT1 (B) antisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatment during development on embryonic glucose transport activity. Uptake of 25 mM [3H]3-OMG over 3 min at 37°C in either resultant morulae or blastocysts following 48 hr culture in BMOC2 medium (▪; control) supplemented with either 30 μM sense (⊠) or antisense (□) oligodeoxynucleotides. Each bar represents the mean ± SEM of three experiments each containing three to six embryos in each treatment. Means with the same superscript are significantly different by ANOVA: a, b, c, d, P < 0.01; e, P < 0.05. Note that in GLUT1 experiments (B), transport activity of antisense-treated embryos is not significantly different from sense-treated embryos.