(A) The bar graph shows luciferase results obtained upon co-transfection of the full length HiNF-P promoter/Luciferase construct and expression vectors for the gene regulatory factors HiNF-P, SP1, E2F, p220NPAT, p300 and CBP as indicated. The reporter gene constructs (100 ng) and expression vector (200 ng) were transiently transfected in triplicate into SAOS-2 cells. (B) Western blot analysis of luciferase cell lysates for each of the factors expressed in Panel A (+; right lanes) relative to lysates from control cells transfected with empty expression vectors (−; left lanes). Each lysate was analyzed with the indicated antibodies to detect endogenous versus exogenous expression levels of HiNF-P, SP1, E2F, p220NPAT, p300 or CBP. The nuclear protein Lamin B was used as an internal control for protein quantitation.