Figure 1.
Nup84 complex is required for tethering of tel-XIL at the periphery. (A) Map of tetO integration site on chromosome XI-L. One tetO tract of 112 repeats is integrated 3.5 kb from the telomere of left arm of chromosome XI (XI-L). Gray rectangles, genes; open triangles, integrated tetO sequences; heavy black line, chromosome; thin black line, plasmid sequence; horizontal black arrow, telomere; vertical black arrows, I-SceI cutting sites. Scale in kilobases (kb) is indicated. COS9 (YKL219w) is located 14.5 kb from the telomere; double slash indicates an interruption in the chromosome representation. (B) Proportion of telomeres found in each volume of the nucleus in the different genetic backgrounds. Standard errors with a P value of 0.05 are shown. Light gray columns represent values observed in peripheral volume, dark gray columns in the internal one.