Figure 7.
Rab21 influences cell migration. (A) GFP-Rab21 transfected MDA-MB-231 cells on collagen (time-lapse series 60 s each) were imaged. Number of vesicles per area near the edges (5 μm; mean ± SD; *, P < 0.05) were quantified at two time points after plating (1–2 h, 9 cells; overnight, 6 cells). (B and C) Migration of MDA-MB-231 cells stably expressing GFP, GFP-Rab21, GFP-Rab21GTP, GFP-Rab21GDP, Rab21-shRNA, or Scr-shRNA was studied using the scratch wound assay (migration 24 h in 10% FBS). Analyses of wound areas covered by the cells are shown (means ± SD; n = 4–7; *, P < 0.01; **, P < 0.001). (D) Adhesion of transfected PC3 cells to bone (Cambrex OsteoAssay plate; mean ± SD; n = 7; *, P < 0.03; †, not significant).