Figure 3.
Reduced transfer of biosynthetic M5GN2-PP-Dol by the T. cruzi OST. (A) Biosynthetic M5GN2-PP-Dol (b) and M5GN2-PP-Dol isomers (c–i) produced by mannosidase digestion of M9GN2-PP-Dol (a). GlcNAc residues are indicated by squares, α-1,2–linked mannose residues are indicated by red circles, and α-1,3– and α-1,6–linked mannose residues are indicated by open circles. (B) Glycopeptide products obtained in an OST endpoint assay (>95% conversion of OS-PP-Dol to OS-NYT) were resolved by preparative HPLC to isolate the M5GN2-NYT glycopeptide (left). HPLC resolution of the α-1,2 mannosidase digestion products derived from M5GN2-NYT (right). The M3GN2-NYT (M3) peak is derived from isomer b, the M4GN2-NYT (M4) peak is derived from isomers c–h, and the M5GN2-NYT (M5) peak corresponds to isomer i. (C) HPLC profiles of α-1,2 mannosidase digestion products derived from M5GN2-NYT synthesized by the E. histolytica and T. cruzi OST. Redigestion of the M4 peak with a-1,2 mannosidase did not yield smaller products (not depicted); hence, the initial digestion had gone to completion. (D) The distribution of the three isomer classes (2, 1, or 0 α-1,2–linked mannose residues) was calculated for the total M5GN2-PP-Dol pool (OS) and for M5GN2-NYT synthesized by the S. cerevisiae (Sc), T. cruzi (Tc), E. histolytica (Eh), and T. vaginalis (Tv) OST. Values for the OS, Sc, and Tc are means of two independent experiments; error bars designate one of two independent data points. The OS values are derived from two replicates of B.