Figure 7.
Keratinocytes derived from conditional c-Met mutant mice do not rearrange their cytoskeleton at the scratch wound edges in the presence of HGF/SF. Keratinocytes derived from control and conditional c-Met mutant mice were stained 24 h after scratch wounding, with antibodies directed against vinculin (A), with phalloidin (A and D), antibodies directed against VASP (B), paxillin (C), RhoA (D), and γ-tubulin (E). Arrows mark the newly formed focal contacts (A–C) and RhoA at the rear of the cells (D). Arrowheads mark cytoplasmatic and perinuclear localization of RhoA in mutant (Fig. 7 D, right). The dotted line indicates the edges of the wounds. Bars: (A–D) 50 μm; (E) 20 μm.