Figure 4.
Loss of APQ12 causes NE abnormalities. (A and B) WT and apq12Δ cells either harboring a SEC63-GFP plasmid (A) or stained with DiOC6 (B) were viewed via live microscopy. (C–G) Electron microscopy images of either WT (C) or apq12Δ cells (D–G) at 23°C. (H) apq12Δ cells processed for and imaged via electron microscopy after overnight growth at 37°C. Asterisks in C indicate normal NPCs. Arrows in E point to NPCs contacting only the INM. The arrow in F points to an electron-dense inclusion within the lumen of the NE. The arrow in G points to an electron-dense inclusion extending into the lumen of the NE. Asterisks in H indicate protrusions of the NE containing electron-dense material. DIC, differential interference contrast.