Figure 7.
In apq12Δ cells, the membrane fluidizer BA suppresses defects in NPC biogenesis and mRNA export. (A) apq12Δ cells expressing Nup82-GFP were grown overnight at 37°C and shifted to 23°C in the presence (0.4% BA) or absence (no BA) of BA. These cells were then imaged after 10 h at 23°C. (B) apq12Δ cells expressing Nup82-GFP were grown overnight at 23°C, treated with either BA, cycloheximide, or both, and imaged after 4 h of treatment. (C) analysis of mRNA export in apq12Δ cells treated with BA before the shift to 23°C. (D) Growth assay comparing WT, apq12Δ, mtr7 –1(acc1), and the double mutant apq12Δ/mtr7-1 strains. Plates were incubated at the temperatures shown for 3 d.