Table 2. Distribution of structure updates corresponding to assembly type.
Structure update class | No. of FL assemblies | No. of EST assemblies |
Alters UTR annotations | 8844 (8800) | 4174 (3444) |
Extends CDS structure, elongating protein | 309 (309) | 275 (274) |
Alters internal gene structure | 732 (732) | 905 (853) |
Provides alternate splicing isoform | 529 (502) | 701 (645) |
Provides novel gene annotation | 73 (73) | NA |
The number of genes updated by the assemblies is shown in parentheses. The number of genes is less than the number of assemblies in cases where multiple isoforms of a single gene are updated by multiple assemblies (more common with FL assemblies) or where single isoforms are updated by multiple assemblies (more common with EST assemblies; see examples in Fig. 3f–h). Although the alignment assembly update classes are mutually exclusive, 1385 of the 14 247 updated genes fall into multiple categories.