mib2 is required for maintaining the attachment and integrity of somatic muscles. Muscle phenotypes were analyzed in embryos that were derived from homozygous mib21 mutant germ line clones and have the zygotic genotype of mib21/Df(2L)TW130 (except for embryo in D, which is zygotically mib21/SM6 wg-lacZ). Embryos in E–H also carry P5053A-Gal4 and UAS-lacZ on the Df(2L)TW130 chromosome to highlight muscle 12 (VL1). Color codes for probes are indicated on the left. (A) At stage 15, a few somatic muscles lacking functional Mib2 are detached and rounded up (arrowheads), wheras the majority of muscles are still normal. (B) At stage 16, most somatic muscles (except for some LT and DO muscles, arrows) are rounded up and decreased in size (arrowheads). (C) At stage 17, only small remnants of rounded somatic muscle syncytia remain. (D) Normal somatic muscle pattern in germ line–derived embryo, which is zygotically heterozygous for mib2, shows that maternal products are not required in the presence of functional zygotic mib2. (E–H) Normal attachment and morphogenesis of muscle 12 (E and F; orange-yellow signals) occurs before it detaches and shrinks after stage 16 (G–H). Occasional red signals come from longitudinal gut muscles.