Figure 5.
ILK-K5 HFs show normal β-catenin stability and hair-specific differentiation. (A) Control and mutant 2-wk skin sections stained for Ki67 and Lef1 show an increased number of Ki67+ cells in the ORS (arrowheads), yet retained Lef1 expression in the HM and DP of ILK-K5 HFs. (B) Control and mutant 2-wk skin sections stained for β-catenin revealed nuclear β-catenin (arrowheads) in precortical HM and proximal HS cortex in both control and long (▴) and short (▪) ILK-K5 HFs. (C) BatGal reporter mice were intercrossed with ILK-K5 and control animals. LacZ activity is present in precortical HM and HS cortex of both control and ILK-K5 HFs. (D) Immunostaining of K14 for the ORS, of keratin K6irs1 for the IRS, and of keratin hHa1 for HS cortex and α6 integrin. ILK-K5 HFs revealed the presence of a multilayered K14+ ORS. K6irs1 and hHa1 were expressed but mislocalized in short ILK-K5 HFs (arrowheads). Bars, 50 μm.