Figure 2.
Exogenously expressed Cavβ1-4 subunits distribute in different patterns in hippocampal neurons and colocalize to various degrees with presynaptic marker proteins. (A) Fluorescence pattern of neurons from low density hippocampal cultures infected with the indicated GFP-tagged Cavβ subunit (i.e., Cavβ1–4) reveal either a punctate (Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b) or a more diffuse, cytosolic staining (Cavβ1b and Cavβ3). (B) Increased magnification of hippocampal neurites reveal that Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b are clustered, whereas Cavβ1b and Cavβ3 are diffusely distributed. (C) The bar graph indicates that neurons overexpressing Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b mainly reveal punctate staining similar to the endogenous distribution of Cavβ subunits, whereas the majority of neurons infected with Cavβ1b and Cavβ3 or GFP alone do not reveal punctate staining (n = 110–153 for each subunit; *, P < 0.01 compared with GFP). Quantification of the percentage of transfected neurons showing that punctate staining was performed by generating 11–13 randomly chosen fields within each group of neurons analyzed. In each field, the number of total infected neurons was counted, and the percentage of those showing punctate patterns was calculated. The percentages in each group were then averaged. n is equal to the total number of infected neurons counted. (D and E) Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b reveal differences in their percentages to colocalize with presynaptic marker proteins. (D) Cultured hippocampal neurons were infected with GFP-tagged Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b and costained with synaptobrevin-II or synapsin-I (red). Representative confocal images of hippocampal neurites reveal that the fluorescent puncta in Cavβ2a- and Cavβ4b (green)-expressing neurons reveal a different colocalization percentage with the presynaptic marker (red). (E) Quantification of the GFP puncta containing either Cavβ2a or Cavβ4b that colocalize with synaptobrevin-II. The percentage of synaptic colocalization is given as the number of Cavβ GFP puncta, which colocalized with the number of synaptobrevin-II puncta relative to the amount of GFP puncta within the region of interest analyzed (n = 20–21; *, P < 0.01). Error bars represent SEM. Bars (A), 15 μm; (B and D) 2 μm.