Figure 7.
Cavβ subunit–specific determination of facilitation and depression in autaptic hippocampal neurons. (A and B) EPSC recordings of autaptic hippocampal neurons exogenously expressing Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b subunits in 4 mM Ca2+. (A) Representative autaptic EPSC traces from noninfected and Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b subunit–infected neurons reveal that in the presence of Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b subunits, synaptic depression is increased during long 20-Hz stimulations. Gray areas represent the asynchronous release. (B) Bar graph of the quantified EPSC ratios of Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b subunit–infected and noninfected neurons. The EPSC amplitudes of the first and second EPSC (top), the first and the mean from the 27–30th EPSC (middle), and the largest EPSC during a train and the mean from the 27–30th EPSC (bottom). (C) Relative EPSCs for Cavβ2a- and Cavβ4b-infected and noninfected neurons. The EPSC amplitudes during the 20-Hz pulse train were related to the EPSC elicited by the first pulse. The decline in EPSC amplitude could be fitted with a single exponential starting from the largest EPSC within the pulse train. (D) Bar graph of the mean maximal EPSC amplitude of Cavβ2a and Cavβ4b subunit–infected and noninfected neurons during a 20-Hz pulse train. (E and F) Comparison of the RRP before and after 30 2-ms-long pulses to 10 mV (20-Hz stimulation). (E) Example traces of sucrose responses before (P2) and after the 20-Hz stimulation (P1). (F) Relative pool size for Cavβ2a- and Cavβ4b-infected and noninfected neurons. The relative pool size was determined by the ratio between the sucrose response after the 20-Hz stimulation (P1) and the sucrose response before the stimulation (P2). (G) Time course of asynchronous release during a 20-Hz pulse train. The charge of the largest EPSC (EPSCmax) within the 20-Hz train was compared with the charge of the asynchronous release for each EPSC. (H) Bar graph of the quantified total charge during a 20-Hz stimulation protocol for the phasic release and asynchronous release for Cavβ2a- and Cavβ4b-infected and noninfected neurons. The mean values of the time course of depression (C) and the asynchronous release (G) were fitted with a single exponential, and the time constants for each fit and the number of experiments (given in parentheses) are given in the diagrams. Error bars represent SEM. * P, < 0.05; **, P < 0.01.