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. 2007 Nov 7;2(11):e1135. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001135

Table 1. Details of the experimental conditions tested and summary of the antitumor effects achieved.

Exp N t [µs] U/d [V/cm] d [mm] f [Hz] Tmax [°C] t43 [s] CR
1B 1 800 2000 3 or 5 1 39 0.01 0/7 (0%)
1C 8 100 2000 3 or 5 1 38 0.002 0/7 (0%)
1E 8 (4×2) 800 2000 5 1 43 0.6 0/6 (0%)
1F 64 (16×4) 100 2000 5 5000 40 0.03 1/6 (17%)
1H 8 (4×2) 800 2500 4 1 46 30 3/6 (50%)
1I 64( 16×4) 100 2500 4 5000 41 0.3 2/6 (33%)
1K 64(16×4) 100 2500 4 1 38 0.004 3/8 (37%)
1L 8 (4×2) 1000 2500 4 0.3 51 1300 5/8 (62%)
2B 8 (4×2) 1000 2500 4 0.3 51 1300 2/13 (15%)
2C 80 (4×20) 100 2500 4 3 40 0.1 11/16 (69%)
2E 8 (4×2) 1000 2500 4 0.03 40 0.05 4/13 (31%)
2F 80 (4×20) 100 2500 4 0.3 37.5 0.001 12/13 (92%)

In all experiments except 1B and 1C, the pulses were delivered in 2 perpendicular orientations. The EP were delivered using a Cliniporator in all conditions except 1L, 2B and 2F for which a Jouan device was used (see Methods). Exp: experimental condition; n: number of pulses; t: individual pulse duration; U/d: voltage to distance ratio (approximate electric field strength); d: distance between the plate electrodes; f: repetition frequency; Tmax: theoretical maximum temperature; t43: theoretical equivalent thermal dose; CR: number of complete regressions/number of treated tumors, and percentage of CR.