Table 1.
Antibodies used for characterization of DCs and inflammatory infiltrates.
Markers | Cellular Specificity | Known
Function |
Clones | Source |
CD3-ε | T Cells | Signaling component of T cell receptor complex | Poly-Clonal, rabbit | Santa Cruz Biotechnnology |
CD4 | Helper/inducer T Cell, monocytes, macrophages | Transmembrane glycoprotein receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus | RPA-T4 | BD Pharmingen |
CD8-α | Cytotoxic T lymphocytes | Facilitate antigen recognition by the TCR and strengthen avidity TCR-antigen interaction | D-9 | Santa Cruz Biotechnolgy |
CD68 | Macrophages/monocytes, microglia, DCs | Phagocytosis of tissue macrophages and binding of tissue specific leptin or selectin for homing of macrophage subsets | EBM11 | DAKO |
CCR5 | Immature DCs, memory T-cells, monocytes/macrophages | Receptor for RANTES, MIP-1α and β, coreceptor for HIV | Poly-clonal, rabbit | Calbiochem |
CCR7 | Naïve and central memory T cells, mature DCs | Receptor for MIP-3 β | 150503 | R&D Systems |
CD83 | Co-stimulatory molecule on DCs, activated B and T cells | Role in antigen presentation and/or lymphocyte activation | HB15e | BD Pharmingen |
CD205 | High expression on mature DCs. Low expression on immature DCs, leukocytes | Endocytic receptor for antigens; involved in MHC class II antigen presentation leading to T cell activation, | MG38 | eBioscience |
CD209/DC-SIGN | High expression on monocytes derived immature DCs, low expression on mature DCs | C-type lectin receptor that binds to ICAM-3 leading to DC-T cell interaction | 120507 | R&D Systems |
DC-SIGN=dendritic cells specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3 grabbing nonintegrin