Function of AKAP450-Ran–containing complex at the centrosome. (A) Microtubule regrowth was observed after microtubule depolymerization in expressing-C-ter-AKAP450 cells. Centrosomes were stained using rabbit serum 0013 and microtubules by using anti-α-tubulin antibody. Dependent on centrosomal AKAP450 localization, three regrowth patterns were observed: typical microtubule asters (in cells presenting a typical 0013 centrosomal staining), disorganized asters (long arrow, AKAP450 unfocused), and no microtubule asters (small arrow, absence of centrosomal AKAP450). Bars, 10 μm. (B) Quantification of the three patterns of microtubule regrowth. About 200 expressing and nonexpressing C-ter AKAP 450 cells were scored for the presence of asters.