Characteristics | E. histolytica, E. dispar and E. moshkovskiib | E. hartmanni | E. coli | E. polecki | D. fragilisc | E. nana | I. bütschlii |
Trophozoites (size, nucleus, and movement) | 15-20 μm; 1 nucleus; actively motile cytoplasmic protrusions, quickly finger shaped pseudopodium | 8-10 μm; 1 nucleus; nonsuccessive | 20-25 μm; 1 nucleus; slow movement, short and blunt pseudopodium | 15-20 μm; 1 nucleus; motility resembles E. coli | 7-12 μm; mono- and binucleate; pseudopoedium hyaline broad leaflike serrated margins successive motility | 7-9 μm; 1 nucleus, blunt and hyaline pseudoodium, slow movements | 9-14 μm; 1 nucleus, slow movement, nonsuccessive, hyaline pseudopodium |
Cysts (size, nucleus) | 12-15 μm; mature cyst has 4 nuclei, immature cyst has 1 or 2 nuclei | 6-8 μm; mature cyst has 4 nuclei; immature cyst has 1 or 2 nuclei; 2 nucleated cysts very common | 15-25 μm; mature cyst has 8 nuclei, rarely 16 or more nuclei | 10-15 μm; 1 nucleus, very rarely binucleate or quadrinucleate | No cyst stage | 6-8 μm; 4 nuclei | 10-12 μm; 1 nucleus |
Appearance of trophozoites | Stained trophozoites fine, uniform granules of peripheral chromatin, and small central karyosome in nucleus; ingested RBC (E. dispar and E. moshkovskii are similar to E. histolytica trophozoites, sometimes ingested RBCs) | Nuclear structure similar to E. histolytica; ingested bacteria; cytoplasm finely granular | Nuclear with irregular cluster of peripheral chromatin; large, irregular, eccentric karyosome | Nucleus with minute central karyosome, with fine granules of peripheral chromatin, finely granular cytoplasm; ingested bacteria | High percentage of binucleate trophozoites; nuclei without peripheral chromatin | Nucleus with large karyosome; no peripheral chromatin | Large central karyosom, granular cytoplasm |
Appearance of cysts | Uniform size in having both karyosome and peripheral chromatin, typical nuclear structure, chromatodial bars with squared or rounded ends | Typical nuclear structure, chromatodial bars with rounded or squared ends | Typical nuclear structure, sliver-shaped or irregular chromatoidals | Mononucleate; large central karyosome; inclusion masses, chromatoid bars with pointed or angular ends | No cyst stage | Chromatin, 4 nuclei with large karyosomes and no peripheral chromatin | Large karyosome, eccentric refractile granules (basket nucleus), large compact glycogen, no peripheral chromatin |
Pathogenicity | Pathogen (E. dispar and E. moshkovskii are nonpathogens) | Nonpathogen | Nonpathogen | Nonpathogen | Nonpathogen | Nonpathogen | Nonpathogen |
Data from references 40, 64, 65, 80, and 116.
E. moshkovskii is present in free-living protozoa.
D. fragilis is a flagellate but resembles organisms within the amebae.