The Gcn5/Ada coactivator complex is selectively required for the unfolded protein response. (a) Monitoring the UPR. Isogenic yeast strains in BWG1-7a background were transformed with UPRE–lacZ reporter construct. Transformants were replica-plated onto Leu− medium containing X-Gal, either with or without tunicamycin (2 μg/ml). Plates were incubated for 24 hr at 30°C. (b) Nothern blot analysis of total yeast RNA from tunicamycin-treated cells. Yeast cultures grown in liquid yeast extract/peptone/dextrose (YPD) medium to early logarithmic phase were further incubated for 90 min at 30°C with (+) or without (−) tunicamycin (2 μg/ml), and the transcriptional induction of KAR2 and PDI1 was assayed by Northern blot analysis. KAR2 and PDI1 mRNA abundances were quantified by PhosphoImager scanning and normalized to actin mRNA, and the fold inductions are indicated. Tm, tunicamycin. (c) Northern blot analysis of total yeast RNA from heat-shocked cells. Yeast cultures grown at 23°C in liquid YPD medium to early logarithmic phase were further grown for 15 min either with (+) or without (−) heat shocking at 39°C. The induction of KAR2 and PDI1 transcription was assayed by Northern blot analysis. The abundances of KAR2 and PDI1 mRNAs were determined by PhosphoImager scanning and normalized to rRNA, and the data are indicated as fold induction. HS, heat shock.