Figure 2.
(a) Conventional two-dimensional ET–NOESY of the LDH⋅NAD+ complex, recorded with a mixing time τm = 150 ms. Relevant NAD+ protons are labeled with ADE for adenosine and NIC for nicotinamide. (b) Strip from the ET-NOESY spectrum of a shown with lower contours. (c) Corresponding strip from a QUIET–ET–NOESY spectrum recorded under identical conditions. Doubly selective inversion was achieved by applying a 12-ms cosine-modulated Gaussian cascade Q3 in the middle of the mixing time to invert two frequency bands (represented by dashed lines), each of ≈1.1 ppm width, centered around 6.07 ppm (to invert H1′ADE of the adenosine) and 8.36 ppm (to invert both adenosine protons H2ADE at 8.13 ppm and H8ADE at 8.47 ppm). No water suppression methods were used.