Differential expression of the RAP–PCR product-encoded gene sequence. RNA (Northern) blot analysis confirming different transcript levels of the RAP–PCR product-encoded gene sequence by hypotonic (hypo, 190 mosmol/liter) and hypertonic (hyper, 390 mosmol/liter) treatment for 2 hr, in comparison with isotonic (iso, 290 mosmol/liter) cell culture conditions (Top). HepG2 mRNA (2.0 μg per lane) was hybridized with a 500 bp DIG-labeled cDNA probe generated by PCR reamplification of a differential band recovered from the RAP–PCR gel. Equal loading was confirmed by rehybridization with a DIG-labeled antisense RNA probe against the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C1 transcript (Middle). Hybridization with an antisense RNA probe against the 5′ end of the coding sequence of the full-length h-sgk clone yielded the same results as observed with the cDNA probe corresponding to the 3′ end of the coding sequence (Bottom). M, DIG-labeled RNA marker.