Table 4.
Regression model predicting square root of total alcohol consumption for 90 days (N = 98)
Predictor Variable(s): | Beta | t | 95% C. I. |
Age | −.251 | −2.47* | −.30, −.03 |
Percentage of years living in US | −.286 | −2.86** | −15.79, −2.84 |
When Ss Remembered Nutrition Label | −.235 | −2.42* | −11.75, −1.16 |
When Ss Remembered Warning Labels | .114 | 1.16 | −1.05, 4.01 |
Notes: R2=.14; F (4, 93) = 3.87; p < .01 for the full model. Betas, t values, and 95% confidence intervals for each regression coefficient listed are for the full model.
p < 05;
p < .01. Ss = Subjects of the study.