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. 2007 Aug 24;73(21):6790–6801. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00841-07


Ralstonia solanacearum strains used in this study

Straina Alternate name Yr of isolation Host Originb Biovarc Phylotype/sequevar determined byd:
Plant pathogenicity tested one: Reference(s)f GenBank accession no. for:
PCR Trees egl mutS
Strains from Martinique
    CFBP2955 MT3 1984 Tomato Le Lamentin 3 I 36
    CFBP2957 RUN27 1987 Tomato Case Pilote 1 II IIA/5 34, 36 AF295265 EF371845
    CFBP2964 MA4 1983 Eggplant Schoelcher 3 I 36
    CFBP2970 MP1 1985 Capsicum sp. Fort de France 3 I 36
    CFBP2972 RUN30 1986 Potato Le Lamentin 1 II IIA/5 34, 36 AF295264 AY756807
    CFBP2976 Mb1 1987 Ensete ventricosum Le Lamentin 3 I 36
    RS25 1997 Tomato Le Lamentin II Tomato TS
    CFBP6786 SPV98-1537 1998 Tomato Fort de France II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371823 EF371858
    CFBP6784 ANT307 1999 Anthurium sp. Saint Joseph 1 II/4NPB IIB/4 AAA banana 35; TS EF371813 AY756742
    SPV99-1119 RUN283 1999 Anthurium sp. Morne Rouge 1 II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371829 EF371863
    SPV99-1541 RUN280 1999 Anthurium sp. Gros Morne 1 II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371822 EF371857
    CFBP6801 RUN279 2001 Heliconia caribea Gros Morne II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371836 EF371873
    CFBP6800 RUN281 2001 Anthurium sp. Gros Morne II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371825 EF371865
    SPV02-60144 RUN284 2002 Cucumber Fond Saint Denis II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371832 EF371867
    CFBP6795 SPV02-60152 2002 Pumpkin Saint Esprit 1 II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371837 EF371874
    SPV02-60037 RUN285 2002 Cantaloupe Vauclin II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371815 EF371850
    CFBP6797 SPV02-30308 2002 Solanum americanum Saint-Joseph II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371820 EF371855
    CIR02-005(1) 2002 Anthurium ferrierense Saint-Joseph II/4NPB AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS
    CIR02-035 2002 Sweet pepper Marigot I Solanaceae TS
    CIR02-045 2002 Eggplant Morne des Esses I Solanaceae TS
    CFBP6783 RUN17 2002 Heliconia caribea Morne Rouge II/4NPB IIB/4 AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS EF371817 EF371852
    CIR02-080 RUN18 2002 A. andreanum Morne Rouge II/4NPB IIB/4 AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS EF371819 EF371854
    CFBP6782 CIR02-083 2002 Pandanus sp. Morne Rouge II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371827 EF371861
    CIR02-136(4) 2002 A. ferrierense Le Vauclin II AAA banana TS
    CIR02-141 2002 Tomato Ste Anne II AAA banana TS
    CIR02-204 2002 Tomato Le Lamentin II AAA banana
    CFBP6781 CIR02-142(1) 2002 Cucumber Ste Anne II/4NPB AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS
    CFBP6780 RUN287 2002 Tomato Ste Anne II/4NPB IIB/4 Solanaceae TS EF371830 EF371864
    CFBP6779 RUN288 2002 Canna indica Le Lamentin II IIA AAB and AAA banana TS EF371835 EF371872
    CFBP6778 RUN289 2002 Tomato Le Lorrain II/4NPB IIB/4 Solanaceae TS EF371816 EF371851
    CFBP7012 CIR02-229(1) 2002 Pumpkin Le Marin II/4NPB IIB/4 AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS EF371818 EF371853
    CFBP6777 RUN291 2002 Watermelon Basse-Pointe II/4NPB IIB/4 Solanaceae TS EF371821 EF371856
    CFBP7013 RUN292 2003 Tomato Saint-Esprit II/4NPB IIB/4 Solanaceae TS EF371824 EF371859
    CIR03-076 2003 Tomato Macouba I Tomato TS
    CIR03-077 2003 Tomato Macouba II/4NPB AAB and AAA banana, Solanaceae TS
    CFBP7017 RUN293 2003 Watermelon Macouba II/4NPB IIB/4 Solanaceae TS EF371826 EF371860
    CFBP7016 RUN294 2003 A. andreanum Gros Morne II IIA/5 TS EF371828 EF371870
    CFBP7015 RUN295 2004 Plantain Trinité II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371842 EF371866
    CIR04-006/16F RUN296 2004 Plantain Trinité II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371834 EF371862
Foreign strains
    CFBP7014 CIR06-024 2006 A. andreanum Trinidad II/4NPB IIB TS AF371831 EF371875
    IBSBF1503 RUN302 1999 Cucumis sativus Brazil II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371840 EF371868
    IBSBF1546 RUN298 2001 Fuchsia sp. Brazil II IIA TS EF371838 EF371877
    IBSBF1454 RUN303 1999 Cucurbita pepo Brazil II/4NPB IIB/4 TS EF371844 EF371876
    IBSBF1712 RUN299 2002 Pelargonium × hortorum Brazil II IIB TS EF371833 EF371869
    IBSBF1900 RUN301 2000 Musa sp. Brazil II/6 IIA/6 TS EF371839 EF371871
Reference strains
    GMI1000 RUN54 Tomato French Guyana I I/13 to 18 9 AF295251 AY756804
    CFBP2968 RUN58 Eggplant Guadeloupe I I/13 to 18 34 EF371806 AY756800
    JT523 RUN333 Potato Reunion Island I I/13 to 18 34 AF295252 AY756803
    CFBP765 RUN34 Tobacco Japan I I/13 to 18 34 EF371810 AY756740
    NCPPB3190 RUN78 Tomato Malaysia I I/13 to 18 34 AF295253 AY756738
    ACH92 RUN158 Ginger Australia I I/13 to 18 34 AF295254 AY756764
    R292 RUN91 Morus alba China I I/12 34 AF295255 AY756801
    ICMP7963 RUN55 Potato Kenya II IIA/7 34 AF295263 AY766776
    K60 CFBP2047 Tomato United States II IIA/7 34 AF295262 AY756799
    A3909 RUN9 Heliconia Hawaii II/6 IIA/6 34 EF371812 AY756753
    CFBP2958 RUN28 Tomato Guadeloupe II IIA/5 34 AF295266 AY756806
    IPO1609 RUN1 Potato The Netherlands II IIB/1 and 2 34 EF371814 EF371849
    JT516 RUN160 Potato Reunion Island II IIB/1 and 2 34 AF295258 AY756783
    NCPPB3987 RUN81 Potato Brazil II IIB/ND 34 AF295261 AY756785
    UW477 RUN110 Potato Peru II IIB/ND 34 AF295260 AY756821
    MOLK2 RUN74 Musa sp. Philippines II/3 IIA/3 34 EF371841 EF371848
    UW9 JT644 Heliconia Costa Rica II/3 IIA/3 34 AF295257 AY756744
    CFBP1409 JS775 Musa sp. Honduras II/3 IIB/3 34 EF371808 AY756751
    CFBP1183 JS793 Heliconia Costa Rica II/3 IIB/3 34 EF371805 AY756749
    UW70 RUN99 Musa sp. (plantain) Colombia II/4SFR IIB/4 34 DQ011550 AY756794
    UW129 Musa sp. (plantain) Peru II/4A IIB/4 34 EF371811 AY756782
    UW162 JT648 Musa sp. (plantain) Peru II/4A IIB/4 35 AF295256 AY756795
    ICMP6782 Musa sp. Brazil II/6 IIB/6 8 DQ011553 NAg
    ICMP9600 Musa sp. Brazil II/6 IIB/6 8 DQ011554 NA
    ANT307 RUN16 A. andreanum Martinique II/4NPB IIB/4 35 EF371813 AY756742
    UW21 RUN97 Musa sp. Honduras II/6 IIB/6 35 DQ011546 AY756758
    CFBP3059 RUN39 Eggplant Burkina Faso III III/19 to 23 9 AF295270 AY756766
    CFBP734 JS767 Potato Madagascar III III/19 to 23 34 AF295274 AY756746
    NCPPB332 RUN75 Potato Zimbabwe III III/19 to 23 34 AF295276 AY756760
    JT525 RUN60 Pelargonium asperum Reunion Island III III/19 to 23 34 AF295272 AY756786
    MAFF301558 RUN71 Potato Japan IV IV/10 34 DQ011558 AY756752
    PSI7 RUN83 Tomato Indonesia IV IV/10 34 EF371804 AY756732

CFBP, Collection Françaises de Bactéries Phytopathogènes, Angers, France; IBSBF, Coleção de Culturas de Fitobactérias do Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, Brazil.


Strains were all isolated in Martinique (French West Indies) except for the foreign strains and reference strains.


The biovars were determined in microplates by the method of French et al. (10).


The phylotypes and sequevars determined by PCR were those determined by the Pmx-PCR and Mmx-PCR (9, 34). The strains marked II gave no signal when tested by the Mmx-PCR. The phylotypes and sequevars determined by trees were determined by egl and mutS sequence analyses.


Pathogenicity was tested as described in the text on plantain banana (AAB), Cavendish banana (AAA), members of the family Solanaceae, and/or tomato genotypes only.


Reference numbers are given with one exception. TS, this study.


NA, not available.