Figure 2.
Expression of Ku70 mRNA during embryogenesis. (A) Temporal expression of Ku70 mRNA by RT-PCR analysis. Stages are as indicated; ss, somite stage; hpf, hours post-fertilization, M, DNA size marker. (B) Genomic structure of exons 1-3 and the locations of morpholino oligonucleotides. Electropherograms to the right show the wild-type exon1/exon2 boundary and the aberrant splicing of exon 1 to exon 3 in sd2MO-injected embryos. (C-H) Expression of zebrafish Ku70 by in situ hybridization. (C) 2-cell stage. (D) 50% epiboly (∼6 hours post-fertilization). (E) 12 somite stage (ss), white arrows indicate three longitudinal proneural domains in the neural keel; r, retina. (F) 24 hpf; H, hindbrain; MHB, midbrain hindbrain boundary; T, tectum; D, diencephalon. Inset shows Ku70 mRNA expression in the developing tail (open triangles). (G) 48 hpf and (H) 72 hpf; Line arrow marks the tectum, solid black arrow marks the diencephalon, and triangles indicate the hindbrain. The otic vesicle is marked by an asterisk. Panels C, D, animal pole is toward top. Panels E, G, inset to F, and H are lateral views with anterior to left and dorsal toward top. Panel F is dorsal view, anterior toward bottom.