Figure 6. (+)Pentazocine modulation of the NMDAR current is similar to that caused by blockers of SK channels.
A, normalized NMDAR current amplitudes (%) are plotted as a function of time. Each point (one every minute; mean ± s.e.m.) is the average of 6 points (stimulations every 10 s). The application of drugs (black bar) caused an increase in the amplitude of the NMDAR currents when the CA1 pyramidal cells were recorded in presence of (+)pentazocine (1 μm; •; n = 12), apamin (100 nm; ○; n = 8) and bicuculline methiodide (10 μm; □; n = 5). The application of TEA (1 mm; ▪; n = 3) did not increase the amplitude of the NMDAR currents. B, examples of traces of the NMDAR currents measured at the time points indicated in A (a and b) are shown for (+)pentazocine, apamin, bicuculline methiodide and TEA. Each trace is an average of 20 traces. C, histogram showing the average of the enhancing effect of (+)pentazocine (n = 12), apamin (n = 8), bicuculline methiodide (n = 5) and TEA (n = 3) application on NMDAR currents.